Tun Dr Mahathir @ the Global Movement of Moderates Dinner Talk, 17 Jan 2012, Pic: Big Dog
Nota: Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad memang seorang pemikir yang hebat. Saya sangat bertuah kerana berkesempatan menghadiri makan malam bersama beliau sempena Persidangan Global Movement of Moderates semalam dan mendengar ucapan beliau mengenai Global Financial Architecture. Beberapa orang di kalangan kami berkongsi ucapan beliau melalui twitter dan saya cuba paparkan di sini untuk manfaat pembaca. Mendengar ucapan beliau membuatkan kami semua kagum; mendengar beliau menjawab soalan-soalan yang diajukan oleh peserta menyebabkan ramai, termasuk mat salleh yang terlopong dan terkedu. Hmm, tidak susah untuk menjelaskan kenapa ramai yang terus menerus merindui Tun M... Semoga penganjur dapat memuat naik rakaman ucapan semalam bersama sesi soal jawab bersama Tun M.

Tun Dr Mahathir, addressing the Dinner Talk of Global Movement of Moderates, Mandarin Oriental lockerz.com/s/175289045
DrM started his speech by jokingly thanking d organiser 4 inviting him to talk abt smthg he is not qualify 2 talk abt
DrM-he has xtreme views on finance&did wht he did coz he's not qualified in d subject. Saying 'The fools rush in whn d angels fear d threat'
zakhirm Zakhir Mohamed TDM - Something happened where they did not honour Brettonwoods. Eg. Gold backed issuance of money. Some countries found they value too high
The global financial structure has failed us (world) - Tun Dr.Mahathir Mohamad @ Global Movement of Moderates.
TunM: The global financial crisis now is due 2 d manipulation & abuses of financial market at d xpense of d rest of world
TDM - UK was paying wages too high. Their products became costly. They thought the best solution is to devalue the £, instead lowering wages
TDM - Devalue £ wld mean import of goods be cheaper. But in UK, they can't lower wages. Lowering wages means workers hoodwinked
TDM - Thereon, they decided currency shldnt be pegged to gold reserve. Brettonwoods pegged gold. Unpegging made gold prices went up
TDM - US currency is now cheap money (if valued against price of gold), against what it was when Brettonwoods was enforced
TDM - We all became poor in the hands of currency traders. When we complained, they told us we're not qualified to talk about the crisis
TDM - They didn't learn anything fr the Asian Financial Crisis
TDM - EastAsia was creative in creating physical goods. The West were creative in financial products. No spin offs - No new jobs, activities
TDM - They were greedy & made tons of money. They invest on borrowed funds they create with these new instruments, incl hedge funds
TDM - This spiraled into a viscious cycle when there were no new real economic productivity. As a result, common ppl were affected
TDM - Brettonwoods was not at fault. The financial architecture was sound. Now it has been side stepped, they abuse the financial market
TDM - No new blueprint for financial architecture to deal w current crisis. We shld relook into Brettonwoods, where money is backed w gold
TunM: The whole world is lost whn comes to the global financial system, there4 we hv 2 go back 2 where we started
Best way-go back 2the beginning when U have lost your way. The global financial structure has 'lost its way', go back to basics. - Dr M
The world shud go back to Gold Standards as benchmark for currencies. - Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad @ Global Movement of Moderates Conference.
TDM - We need to hv a new architecture by revising old architecture. We need to ensure money has it real worth, w gold as the backing
TDM - Gold shld be used as a value of currency & medium for barter trade. Go back to the gold std & serve us better. It wld be more stable
TDM - Gold prices is very stable even tho escalated. It is a trusted value by most communities
TDM - All these retail instruments such as credit cards shld be looked into & reviewed. The whole world got lost, in the angle of finance
TDM - IF we can hv currencies relative to gold, then business wld be better. We shld be moderate instead of exploiting the financial market
Even after a decade it's always interesting to sit in a Tun M's session. Tonite #GMM2012 dinner on global financial architecture included
To cap it all off Tun M with d trademark smile said then again he is d last person to suggest as he only uses $ to buy goods n even x invest
Tun Dr Mahathir: We should be moderate in global financial architecture wp.me/p3iTb-494
TunM ended his talk wt 'even an xtremist like me feel tht we should moderate d global financial system' LOL
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