[Nota: Pas cuba memberi pelbagai alasan untuk tidak mengkafirkan diri mereka. Sebelum ini mereka mengkafirkan UMNO kerana tidak melaksanakan hudud, tidak menutup kilang arak di Shah Alam dan tidak menutup pusat perjudian di Genting. Sekarang tuduhan kafir Pas ini sudah kembali terhadap Pas. Jelas, Pas sudah menjadi kafir berdasarkan iktiqad mereka sendiri kerana sekarang mereka gagal melaksanakan apa yang mereka perkatakan sebelum ini.
Manakala di suatu sudut yang lain, terbukti pendekatan wasatiyyah UMNO dan kerajaan BN dalam melaksanakan hukum Allah swt dan menegakkan syiar dan syariatnya di Malaysia lebih benar dan dapat diterima ramai, termasuk bukan Islam. Baca "Hanya Pas, bukan UMNO yang perjuangkan Islam?" untuk memahami maksud saya.
Pendedahan The MOLE ini sekali lagi menunjukkan bahawa pemikiran Pas yang ekstrem tidak boleh dipertahankan. Sebelum ini janji-janji yang dibuat dalam usrah, kuliah, tazkirah, ceramah, mukhaiyyam dan pelbagai platform lain untuk menutup kilang arak Shah Alam tidak ditunaikan. Lebih buruk lagi selepas berjanji macam-macam, pemimpin Pas tidak berani bersumpah tentang apa yang mereka perkatakan. Baca "@DrSitiMariah - Pas tidak pernah janji untuk tutup kilang arak Shah Alam #PenipuRakyat" agar kita dapat memahami dengan jelas perangai para pemimpin Pas.
Pas: Difficult to close gambling outlets
By Cecilia Victor and Azreen Hani
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Pahang Pas Youth Chief had announced Pas' plan to close the casino in Genting Highlands
KUALA LUMPUR: Pas realises that it will be difficult to close down gambling outlets even if Pakatan Rakyat manage to win in the next general election.
"I think the closure of gambling outlets in the states of Kelantan and Terenganu will be fine but to close outlets in other states will be difficult," Pas vice president Salahuddin Ayub said.
Salahuddin was commenting on Pahang Pas Youth chief Sharil Azman Abdul Halim's plan on closing the casino in Genting Highlands.
Although he personally agreed with the plan, he believed discussions should take place with the non-Muslims on any decisions over the matter.
The Kubang Kerian MP also acknowledged that closing the outlets, even in Pas-led Kedah three years ago was not an easy process.
Selangor Pas commissioner Dr Abdul Rani Osman said the party will discuss with other partners in Pakatan on plans of closing the gambling outlets in the state. “If Pas were to rule Selangor, I think it’s better for us to discuss with our partners in Pakatan on formulating any laws,” Dr Abdul Rani said.
The Meru state assemblyman explained such decision did not mean that Pas was afraid of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) or DAP, but rather to have better understanding on what is best for the state.
Still, Dr Abdul Rani was positive such plans (to close gambling outlets) would be well received as no religion condones gambling.
Johor Pas commissioner Datuk Mahfodz Mohamed said if Pas had the power to ban such outlets, they would do so as it is in Pas’ policy to follow Islamic guidelines. “Nonetheless I still think we need more efforts to educate the people first, rather than take a drastic approach to shut down these outlets.”
Unlike Kelantan and Kedah, Mahfodz explained educating the public is vital in the multi religious states like Johor. “We have to promote understanding and at the same time provide alternative work for the people who are working in gambling dens or casinos.”
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