Saturday, August 6, 2011

Sikap `double standard' dan `jumpy' Majlis Peguam dalam kes JAIS bukti ia `political tool'? #saveSgor

Dalam serbuan JAIS, nampaknya nada dan kenyataan Majlis Peguam berubah seratus peratus. Agaknya bagaimanakah nada Majlis Peguam jika serbuan ini dilakukan di negeri-negeri di bawah kerajaan BN? Belum apa-apa, Majlis Peguam sudah melompat untuk mempertahankan kerajaan PR Selangor dan Menteri Besarnya.

Sikap Majlis Peguam ini menguatkan lagi persepsi di kalangan rakyat bahawa Majlis Peguam hanya alat PR, tidak bebas dan tiada pendirian, melainkan hanya berupaya memuntahkan apa yang disuapkan kepada mereka. Jelas, Majlis Peguam ada masalah integriti!

Baca juga:

Serbuan Jais ke Gereja: Wanita Melayu Mengaku di Pujuk Cara Halus?

Edisi Subuh: Faekah Husin murtad

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Press Release
Celebrate freedom, not fear

The Malaysian Bar deeply deplores the action by the Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (“JAIS”) who, with the assistance of Polis DiRaja Malaysia, rudely interrupted a thanksgiving dinner hosted by a community-based non-governmental organisation and held at Damansara Utama Methodist Church two days ago.

We welcome the statement of regret offered by the Menteri Besar of Selangor over the incident, and his call for JAIS to furnish a detailed report on the incident. We trust that appropriate disciplinary action will be taken if JAIS officers are found to have exceeded their authority in this regard. The civil authorities cannot allow the Islamic department to wantonly disrespect the fundamental rights and liberties of all citizens to gather and associate freely with one another.

Especially in this month of Ramadhan, one would have hoped that the Islamic religious authorities in Selangor would have focused their attention on more constructive pursuits rather than the disruption of a community thanksgiving dinner that brought together people of various races and faiths in peace, harmony and unity. This is the true spirit of Malaysia which we must value, uphold, protect and defend.

We know of no prohibition in law against Muslims entering the premises of a Christian church, nor of being part of the audience in a thanksgiving event held in such a place, even if such an event were to contain certain religious elements such as prayer and singing. By conducting such a raid, video-recording a part of the event, rummaging and removing the contents of garbage bags and then taking down the particulars of Muslims found in attendance, treating them as though they had somehow broken the law, JAIS has besmirched the good name and sullied the hard-earned reputation of Malaysia and her peoples for multi-racial, multi-cultural and multi-faith acceptance.

This action on the part of JAIS, coming so closely after the insensitive public service announcements released by television station 8TV, does not bode well for the future of inter-racial and inter-faith harmony in our country. If, after almost 54 years of independence in Peninsular Malaysia, a state Islamic authority and a national television company can still display a form of arrogant authoritarianism and callous condescension in their actions, then we must collectively ask ourselves where we have failed as a nation. Moderation has increasingly given way to mindless orthodoxy, and those in authority have parted company with common sense.

Let us all recommit ourselves, in this mutual month of Ramadhan and Merdeka, to a practice of faith or belief that will free our lives from fear, and a pursuit of ideals that will free our thoughts from binding shackles, both of which our forefathers struggled so hard to achieve.

Lim Chee Wee
Malaysian Bar

5 Aug 2011

Kenyataan Penuh Hassan Ali di bawah:


Bahagian Penguatkuasaan Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (JAIS) dan sepasukan anggota Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) telah membuat pemeriksaan ke atas sebuah gereja di Damansara Utama berdasarkan hasil maklumat yang diterima. Maklumat tersebut menyatakan terdapatnya kehadiran orang Islam di dalam majlis berbuka puasa yang diadakan di gereja tersebut.

Anggota Penguatkuasaan JAIS bersama anggota polis telah menjalankan pemeriksaan di premis terbabit walaupun dihalang oleh pihak penganjur. Penganjur utama yang dipercayai beragama Islam telah berunding selama hampir 1 jam bersama ketua operasi agar pemeriksaan ke atas tempat dan individu tidak dilakukan sehingga majlis tersebut selesai.

Di dalam majlis tersebut juga, kelihatan seseorang sedang mengadakan pengucapan awam, di mana ucapannya ada diselitkan dengan perkataan Quran dan ‘pray’.

Setelah majlis hampir tamat, pasukan penguatkuasa dan anggota polis telah membuat pemeriksaan meskipun terdapat cubaan menghalang pemeriksaan dan melupuskan bahan bukti.

Pegawai penguatkuasa JAIS dan polis mendapati ada percubaan dikalangan peserta untuk melarikan diri melalui pintu belakang premis tetapi berjaya dihalang oleh penguatkuasa JAIS.

Terdapat seramai 12 orang yang beragama Islam telah menghadiri majlis tersebut. Tiada serbuan dan tiada tangkapan dibuat. Sebaliknya pemeriksaan dilakukan hanya selepas rundingan dengan pihak penganjur diadakan. Mereka telah diarah untuk menghadirkan diri di Bahagian Penguatkuasaan JAIS untuk siasatan lanjut.

Berpandukan kepada siasatan awal mereka yang terlibat boleh didakwa dibawah Seksyen 10 Enakmen Jenayah Syariah 1995. Selain daripada itu terdapat bukti-bukti kegiatan penyebaran agama bukan Islam terhadap penganut agama Islam.

Siasatan lanjut bagi kedua-dua kesalahan ini akan diteruskan.

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