Friday, March 28, 2014

#Parlimen : @RazaliIbrahim - Kesimpulan PR mengenai perbelanjaan SPRM tidak bertanggung jawab!

"Jika negara ini bebas dari rasuah sekalipun, kerajaan masih akan memperuntukkan dana untuk SPRM" - Razali Ibrahim

Nota : Masalah pemimpin pembangkang adalah cara mereka untuk menipu rakyat. Mereka akan lakukan apa sahaja termasuk memanipulasikan data dan membuat unjuran yang salah. Ini adalah satu contoh bagaimana, pembangkang cuba memanipulasikan data untuk menyalahkan kerajaan. Kaedah pengiraan yang tidak betul dan andaian tanpa mengambil kira faktor-faktor penting sebelum membuat andaian menyebabkan kesimpulan dan cadangan mereka merapu dan tersasar jauh dari kebenaran. Selain ini, satu lagi contoh yang paling nyata adalah penipuan Rafizi Ramli tentang CUKAI YANG DIKENAKAN DI FINLAND dan UNJURAN PENDIDIKAN PERCUMA yang tidak bersandarkan data yang betul dan andaian tanpa mengambil kira faktor-faktor penting yang menyumbang kepada pembangunan pendidikan. Baca sini - #PTPTN - Unjuran Rafizi Salah!

Sama la macam kesimpulan yang tidak bertanggung jawab dari Azhar Idrus ni...

Minister rebuts ‘unjustified’ MACC funds allegation
March 27, 2014

Razali Ibrahim says even if the country is free from corruption, the government will still allocate funds to MACC.

KUALA LUMPUR: Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Razali Ibrahim today called Kampar MP Ko Chung Sen (DAP) “irresponsible” saying that the government spends an average RM707,744 for each corruption conviction case.

“Kampar needs to be aware that even if one day the country is free from corruption, we still have to allocate funds to MACC, does it mean it would be a waste to do so then?

“It is very irresponsible for him to come out with such a statement,” he told the Dewan Rakyat today.

Earlier this week Ko told Parliament that MACC’s huge and annually increased allocations were not justified given its low conviction rate.

He said in the last five years, MACC only convicted 1,395 individuals and collected RM48 million in fines despite receiving a RM983 million government allocation.

“This means for every case convicted, the government spent an average of RM704,744,” he had said.

Ko also said MACC’s budget had increased by 24.4% in 2013 compared with 2011 but the number of cases convicted had dropped by 31.7%
In reply, Razali said not all of the MACC budget goes to its investigation department.

“Some 35% of it was spent on utilities bills, and another portion of it was spent on building maintenance,” he said.

He said the MACC cannot seek to maintain its conviction rate at certain level every year because some investigations take years to complete.

“It is not like today we investigate, tomorrow we can submit.

“Submission date varies from case to case, some take up to 10 years to complete,” he said.

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