Sunday, June 30, 2013

#JonkerWalk - Hipokrasi DAP dan @LimKItSiang. Ipoh Timor pun tak jaga... #MPmalas

Kecoh pasal Jonker Walk. Sikap hipokrit DAP terbongkar. Sebelum ni mereka tak mahu, tapi bila nampak ada keuntungan politik dan boleh main isu perkauman, mula lah pusing 180 darjah.. Unker Lim Kit Siang, u Ipoh Timor pun tak jaga, lagi mau kecoh pasal negeri orang lain? Sekarang Gelang Patah u ada buat apa? 


Rupa-rupanya, 'kebangkitan parti DAP' untuk menjadi hero dalam isu Jonker Walk, Melaka menjadi satu lawak jenaka politik yang amat memalukan parti tersebut!

MALU! DAP tunjuk 'solidariti' di kawasan yang mereka tentang sebelum ini!

Sebenarnya, parti DAP menentang projek Jonker Walk ini apabila ia bermula pada tahun 2000! 

Pemimpin DAP Melaka ketika itu telah mengkritik penubuhan Jonker Walk dengan mengatakan bahawa ia akan menyebabkan kesesakan lalu lintas di situ selain menjejaskan status sejarah negeri Melaka.

Ironinya juga, pembangkang pernah mendakwa bahawa peniaga-peniaga di Jonker Walk berperangai sombong takbur kerana kawasan itu telah menjadi suatu kejayaan!

Dan sekarang, parti DAP melompat mengambil kesempatan kononnya berlagak hero untuk 'menyelamatkan' Jonker Walk yang mereka tidak mahu dan tentang sebelum ini!

Sungguh memalukan sekali!  Dan selepas ini, MiM tidak pasti jika DAP tetap tebal muka mahu berlagak hero lagi di Jonker Walk.

Sila baca laporan di bawah yang bukan sahaja memalukan tetapi telah menjatuhkan lagi imej parti DAP !

MALACCA : The Jonker Walk committee has pointed out the irony in DAP's bid to champion Jonker Walk, saying that the party had opposed the project when it started in 2000.

Malacca DAP leaders had criticised the setting up of Jonker Walk then, saying that it would cause a traffic bottleneck here besides jeopardising its historical status, said Jonker Walk committee deputy chairman Datuk Gan Tian Loo.

Gan accused DAP now of  “feigning sympathy” for the affected traders of Jonker Walk, where the state authorities are currently allowing traffic to pass through during weekends in a bid to ease congestion.

The Jonker Walk night market is open from Fridays to Saturdays.

It became  a controversy of late when the state government announced that traffic would now be allowed to pass through the area in a move to ease traffic snarls.

Traders were upset with the plan and DAP had announced its intention to “save” Jonker Walk. 
In an interview, Gan said DAP had once alleged that the Jonker Walk committee had obtained permission to set up the night market due to its close rapport with then Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam.

"At one point, the Opposition alleged that the traders at the site were arrogant because the Jonker Walk had been a success story,” he said.

Gan said state DAP leaders had often appeared in vernacular newspapers back then, pressing for the closure of Jonker Walk.

“Today, we see them going around condemning the committee members of being afraid to stand up for the traders. Actually, we have been bringing up the matter with the state government since the decision was made to reopen the road for traffic."

Gan said his father Datuk Gan Boon Leong, the founder of Jonker Walk, was heckled by a handful of traders who took sides with DAP leaders when he made a walkabout on Friday.

"My dad hatched the idea of opening Jonker Walk to help people who had no stable monthly income back then,” he said.

However, he said the older traders knew how the Opposition had reacted when Jonker Walk first started - more

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