Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Jasa MCA kepada Ahli Parlimen PR, Ching Eng dan Teo Nie Ching. DAP malas! #GantilahJanganTido

Imbas Kembali: George Chan - Apa yang DAP buat untuk orang Cina di Sarawak?

[Nota: Pemimpin DAP hanya bercakap, sedangkan MCA membuat jasa kepada orang Cina dan rakyat Malaysia. Jangan lupa, MCA membantu negara mencapai kemerdekaan bersama-sama dengan UMNO dalam Parti Perikatan. MCA juga banyak membantu dalam pembangunan pendidikan rakyat Malaysia berketurunan Cina.

Seperti yang pernah saya sebut dahulu dalam artikel "China Press serang MCA - kenapa pemimpin MCA diam saja?", jangan sekali-kali biarkan DAP 'claim mileage' politik di atas segala usaha MCA dan mengambil keuntungan terhadap budi baik yang tidak pernah mereka taburkan kepada kaum Cina. MCA kena berani ke hadapan dan jelaskan segala yang telah mereka lakukan untuk orang Cina. Jika ini dapat dilakukan dengan tersusun, orang Cina akan dapat lihat nilai MCA berbanding DAP.

Janganlah sibuk-sibuk tentang hukum agama lain; itu game DAP yang mereka tidak akan menang. Pemimpin MCA kena sentiasa ingat, umat Islam juga ada undi di kawasan mereka, jadi mulut kena jaga. Ambil iktibar dari apa yang berlaku di Sungai Siput dan Taiping. Kita tidak mahu BN hilang kerusi semata-mata kerana pemimpin MCA menyakiti hati umat Islam.]

Posted on December 13, 2011 by editor

We have read about how Serdang MP Teo Nie Ching’s mother had to seek the help of Negeri Sembilan MCA for help.

The DAP MP has confessed that her mom, who had a heart problem, had to see the MCA for help. Strangely, her husband is a medical doctor which makes this whole episode more humourous.

But Teo and the other DAP leaders are fond of telling their listeners that the MCA has done nothing for the Chinese community.

Our investigations have revealed that another DAP MP benefited from the MCA. Chong Eng – the Penang DAP MP, Wanita DAP chief and deputy secretary-general – studied at the TAR College before she managed to get a place in Universiti Pertanian Malaysia.

She had to study in KTAR after her failure to get a credit in her MCE Bahasa Malaysia paper. It was KTAR that offered her a chance to pursue her tertiary ambitions.

Surely, this DAP leader must know that her courses were heavily subsidised financially by the MCA and other Chinese community leaders.

But have we ever heard her say thank you to the MCA. Like Teo, she would never admit that she has sought the help of the MCA until they are exposed!

We invite our readers to tell us about DAP leaders who have benefited from the MCA but goes around saying MCA has done nothing.

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