Tuesday, January 15, 2013

#KhalidBelit @KhalidSamad #kantoi tidak faham konteks isu #kalimahAllah pada tahun 2009 @KhairyKJ @NajibRazak

Di bawah merupakan soalan saya kepada Khalid Samad melalui twitter mengenai sokongannya terhadap keputusan mahkamah tentang penggunaan kalimah Allah oleh majalah Herald, Gereja Katolik pada 31 Disember 2009. 

  1.  ce u jwb soalan tu dulu - u sedar ke x sedar sjk 2009,bila u sokong, konteksnya adalah terjemahan & penerbitan? :)
  2.  all the while, sejak 2009 konteks dia adalah terjemahan & penerbitan; u x sedar ke bila u sokong? :) 

Jawapan Khalid dalam beberapa tweet adalah seperti berikut:

  1.    Boleh guna dalam percakapan dan perbualan mereka. X dhalang sperti dulu dimana dianggap ianya suatu kesalahan.
  2.  Bila dikatakan bkn Islam dbenarkan guna kalimah Allah maka LGE pun boleh gunalah. Hanya terjemahan dari God ke Allah xleh, x tepat.

  1.  Bila dbahas dulu geng2 UMNO duk sebut org bkn Islam xleh sebut Allah. Maka dbaca ayat2 Quran mans Yahudi dan Nasrani sebut Allah.

Beliau turut mengulang tentang terjemahan beberapa kali seperti di bawah:-

  1.      MSU kata Allah kalimah universal bkn Islam blh guna. Saya pun. Isu trjemahan saya x sebut
  2.   MSU kata Allah kalimah univrsal. Siapa spin? Saya kata bkn Islam blh guna. Guna dlm trjemahan Bible? Tu khusus. X sebut.

Mungkin Khalid lupa, atau memang tabiatnya suka membelit. Jadi saya ingin sertakan link di bawah agar dapat menyegarkan semula ingatannya terhadap kenyataan yang pernah dia buat sebelum ini pada 1 Januari 2010.

supaya Khalid Samad tidak membelit, saya sertakan link-link blog pembangkang yang menyiarkan kenyataan dan berita yang sama di bawah;

Direkodkan kenyataan Khalid Samad pada 1 Januari 2010 adalah seperti berikut;

SHAH ALAM, 1 Jan (2010): Ahli Parlimen Shah Alam Khalid Samad petang tadi bersetuju dengan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur menolak permohonan Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) melarang orang-orang bukan Islam dari menggunakan perkataan 'Allah'.

Beliau yang sebelum ini dilihat lantang mempertikai usaha KDN di di Parlimen, menganggap keputusan Mahkamah semalam menepati nas al-Quran. "Keputusan Mahkamah itu menepati dengan al-Quran, iaitu perkataan Allah bukan milik eksklusif umat Islam sahaja tapi semua manusia patut menyembahnya," jelas beliau selepas menyertai solat Jumaat di Surau Nur Hidayah, di sini.Beliau turut menasihatkan KDN supaya tidak melarang sesuatu yang jelas digalakkan dalam Islam.

"Kalau kita (KDN) nak menghalang keputusan itu, secara tidak langsung seolah-olah menghalang apa yang digalakkan oleh Allah sendiri."Yang membeza orang Islam dan bukan Islam bukanlah tuhan kita adalah Allah dan tuhan mereka tidak (dipanggil) Allah, tapi yang membezakannya adalah kefahaman tentang ajaran Islam itu sendiri," katanya.

Menurut beliau, keputusan mahkamah itu sekali gus mengukuhkan kefahaman orang Islam terhadap agama mereka, bukannya atas nama Islam sahaja."Saya rasa keputusan ini (mahkamah) akan mengukuhkan lagi kefahaman Islam di kalangan orang Islam sendiri, bukan atas nama (Islam) saja," jelasnya.

Ujarnya lagi, Rasulullah s.a.w sendiri pun tidak menghalang masyarakat bukan Islam dari mengaku Allah sebagai Tuhan mereka.Sebaliknya, Nabi menerapkan kefahaman Islam kepada masyarakat bukan Islam menggunakan rasional dan dakwah; sebagaimana ditunjukkan dalam ayat 87-88 dari surah az-Zukhruf; dan ayat 63 dari surah al-Ankabut.

Tambahnya lagi, kedua-dua ayat tersebut seharusnya mendorong masyarakat Islam menjelaskan kefahaman sebenar tentang Allah dan Islam itu sendiri. Terdahulu, akhbar mingguan The Herald dihalang dari menggunakan perkataan Islam dalam penerbitan mereka. Ekoran itu, Gereja Katholik telah memohon perintah Mahkamah supaya menolak larangan yang dilakukan KDN itu.


Court rules Herald free to use the word “Allah”
By Lisa Goh
The Star

KUALA LUMPUR: The Catholic weekly Herald is now free to use the word “Allah” in its publication after the High Court quashed the Home Minister’s prohibition against it using the word, declaring the order as “illegal, null and void.”

In her decision, Justice Lau Bee Lan also declared that under Article 3(1) of the Federal Constitution, applicant Titular Roman Catholic Archbishop Tan Sri Murphy Pakiam had the constitutional right to use “Allah” in Herald in the exercise of his right that religions other than Islam might be practised in peace and harmony in the country.

She further ruled that the Constitution, which states Islam as the country’s religion, did not empower the minister to make such a prohibition.

“In pursuant to Article 10, the applicant also has the right to use the word ‘Allah’ in the Herald in the exercise of his right to freedom of speech and expression.” she said in her oral judgment Thursday to a packed courtroom.

Justice Lau ruled as grounds for her judgement that both the respondents – the minister and the Malaysian government – had failed throughout the trial to prove how the use of the word “Allah” could threaten national security.

On Jan 7 last year, the Home Ministry had approved the Herald’s publication permit on condition that the usage of the word “Allah” was prohibited and the word “Limited” (Terhad) be endorsed on its front page to mean that it must be circulated only to Christians.

The minister had prohibited the usage on grounds of national security and to avoid misunderstanding and confusion among Muslims.

The Archbishop, as Herald’s publisher, had filed an application on Feb 16 for a judicial review to seek a declaration that the minister’s decision for the prohibition was illegal and that the word “Allah” was not exclusive to Islam.

Representing the Archbishop were counsel Porres P. Royan and S. Selvarajah while senior federal counsel Datuk Kamaludin Md Said stood for the respondents.

Following the ruling, Kamaludin sought a clarification for the declaration to be only confined for the permit in question, which was for the period from Jan 1 to Dec 31 last year, and not future permits.

“It does not relate to an order or decision relating to future permits,” he said, adding that future permits would require a fresh application.

However, Royan argued that the permit for the period between Jan 1 and Dec 31 this year had already been issued, subjected to the same condition pending the court’s determination on the matter.

“The order speaks for itself. I believe the minister will be bound by the words he has used and that he will respect the court’s decision.

“Of course, they have other remedies. The court has granted declarations to allow the use of the word ‘Allah’ that must bind the parties,” he said.

Kamaludin then said he would seek direction from the minister on whether they would file a stay of execution application or an appeal.

In an immediate reaction, Herald’s editor Father Andrew Lawrence told the press that this was a “long-awaited” decision, hailing it as a “landmark case for our nation”.

Pada 5 Januari di portal Nutgraph dan blognya, Khalid Samad menulis;

Let Catholic weekly run in Malay

Publication Permit for Herald the Catholic Weekly

EVEN though the Home Ministry recently approved the publication permit for the Herald – the Catholic Weekly, only publication in English, Tamil, and Chinese is allowed. Publication of the weekly's Malay language version has been held back, pending a court decision on the use of the word "Allah".

While my Christian friends applaud the decision to renew the permit, they are understandably upset over the prohibition to publish the weekly in Malay. This, they say, is due to the fact that the majority of Christian Malaysians are in Sabah and Sarawak, and Malay is their first language. The prohibition to publish the weekly in Malay is thus seen as a serious affront on their freedom of religion.

I personally find the position taken by the Home Ministry untenable and see no reason why the Malay language version of the Herald should be put on hold.

I believe all these problems are the result of the ignorance and confusion of Muslims in Malaysia about their own religion. Having lived under the leadership of Umno/Barisan Nasional and its brand of Islam, who can blame them? This misunderstanding is turned into policies that, although well intended — i.e. "for the sake of Islam" — portray a negative image of the religion.

This is akin to the prohibition on women to learn to read and write in the old days, for fear that they would write love letters to men. These women were kept uneducated and ignorant. Islam, on the other hand, demands of its followers, men and women alike, to strive in the pursuit of knowledge.

The first misunderstanding is in the false equivalency that "Malay is Islam" and "Islam is Malay", which makes Malay the language of Muslims. Newsletters in Malay for religions other than Islam is a form of a culture shock for many Muslim Malaysians, who, of course, forget that if any language has a right to claim such a position, it would be Arabic. Yet we find Christian Arabs comfortably delivering sermons in church in Arabic throughout the Arab world. They even use the word "Allah" with no objections from the Muslims there because, as every Arab knows, the word "Allah" means "God".

The second misconception is that once other religions are presented in the Malay language and the word "Allah" is used for God, Muslims would become confused and susceptible to changing their religion. Although I agree that many Muslims are neither practising nor understanding Islam as well as they should, this weakness cannot be addressed by taking steps that imply an intrinsic weakness within Islam. This only suggests that Islam is unable to hold its ground and argues its case to prove that it is the religion from God, revealed through the prophet Muhammad. The problem has to be addressed by ensuring that Muslims are better educated about their own religion.

The negative and defeatist attitude upon which these "policies" are based will lead to restrictive laws for non-Muslims, curbing their activities for fear of Muslims being influenced and converted. Unfortunately, this would then lead to an impression of Islam being restrictive and oppressive, creating a very negative impression of Islam among non-Muslims. The cost would then be the loss of potentially strong and devout Muslims from among the currently non-Muslim population who genuinely care about religion, truth and God. The Muslim community loses them for the sake of ensuring that weak, uncaring, and peripheral Muslims stay Muslim.

I have always been of the opinion that Muslims must project the beauty and strength of Islam, its emphasis on justice and truth, and its respect for the rights of all communities. Through this, many will come to Islam's fold. Unfortunately, there are those who do not share this confidence in the ability of Islam, on its own merit, to win over hearts. They become defensive and apologetic. By doing so, they do great injustice to Islam.

I appeal to the Home Minister to reconsider his decision.

WalLahu 'Alam
*This article was originally published in The Nut Graph

Selain daripada tweet mengenai terjemahan Biblical God kepada Allah, Khalid juga membuat kenyataan berikut di dalam tweetnya. Soalan saya terhadap tweet tersebut tidak dijawab sehingga saat saya menerbitkan artikel ini.

  1.    Boleh guna dalam percakapan dan perbualan mereka. X dhalang sperti dulu dimana dianggap ianya suatu kesalahan.

  1.  apa hukuman dan halangan yg dikenakan dulu bila diguna dlm percakapan? :)  

Baca juga tulisan YB Zulkifli Noordin yang menyanggah pendirian Khalid Samad di sini:

Soalannya, sebagai pembaca adakah anda percaya akan kenyataan Khalid Samad bahawa dia tidak pernah menyebut tentang penerbitan/terjemahan ketika dia menyokong keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur?

Kedua, sebagai pembaca, adakah anda percaya bahawa Khalid Samad tidak memahami konteks sokongannya terhadap penggunaan kalimah Allah ini sebenarnya amat berkaitan dengan terjemahan dan penerbitan?

Jadi Khalid, you nak belit macam mana lagi? Inilah wajah sebenar Ahli Parlimen Shah Alam. Mudah-mudahan rakyat Shah Alam tidak lagi memilih Khalid Samad bagi mewakili mereka di dalam Pilihan Raya Umum yang akan datang.


  1. For sure, i will note vote for him

  2. Kami cadangkan Tun buat debat terbuka dengan si khalid n, mata bertemu mata, Tun bolih belasah dia cukup cukup demi kebenaran. Kami tak sabar nak tunggu episod khalid kena belasah. Please Tun ajak dia masuk gelanggang hujah berdepan, biar dia tahu langit tinggi rendah. We hope you berani bukan hanya dlam blog tapi berani secara open juga. Dont let us down.

  3. Klu tak belit bukan PAS namanya

  4. yup, kalau tak belit, bukan Pas la namanya :)
