Monday, October 29, 2012

Kenyataan penuh Chua Soi Lek hina hudud dan cabar Jamil Khir debat?

Di bawah adalah kenyataan Presiden MCA Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek yang disiarkan oleh akhbar the Star semalam. Bloggers dan cybertroopers PR, terutamanya dari Pas sedang sibuk memanipulasi berita ini dari segi dengan menyatakan bahawa Chua menghina hudud. Silalah teliti kenyataan di bawah untuk memahaminya. 

Kesimpulan saya, blogger dan cybertrooper menipu kerana tidak ada kenyataan menghina hudud, melainkan menyatakan perasaan tidak yakin dan ketakutan kepada hudud Pas

Dalam kenyataan Chua, dia menolak Pas sebagai Islam. Pas hanya parti politik. 

Jika ada perkara yang tidak tepat dalam kenyataan ini adalah, Chua menyebut dan menerima Islam sebagai agama rasmi negara ini sedangkan di dalam Perlembagaan, Islam disebut sebagai agama Persekutuan. Kedua, adalah lebih manis dan sesuai jika Chua melakukannya dengan lebih berhemah, sama ada menyatakan pandangannya melalui saluran BN atau tanpa perlu sama sekali menyentuh Datuk Seri Jamil Khir.

Ekspresi Chua adalah tentang ketakutan dan ketidak yakinan bukan Islam bahawa Pas boleh melaksanakan hudud dengan adil tanpa menjejaskan mereka. 

Spin pemimpin dan cybertrooper PR pula menunjukkan bahawa mereka cuba menidakkan ketakutan mereka terhadap Karpal dan DAP yang terang-terang menolak hudud dan PKR yang secara `malu-malu' menolak hudud. 

PR cuba menafikan pembongkaran bahawa DAP adalah anti-Islam yang dibuat oleh beberapa orang bekas pemimpin DAP dan PKR. Pas pula cuba menafikan hakikat bahawa PR sebenarnya menolak hudud melalui kenyataan bahawa hudud bukan agenda PR. Hakikatnya - jelas bahawa Pas bersubahat menolak hudud apabila PR menolaknya untuk dijadikan sebagai agenda.


(The Star) - Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek says Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom has not done his homework when he said PAS' brand of hudud would have no effect on non-Muslims.

“Maybe he did not do his homework. I am disappointed with what he said,” the MCA president said.

On Wednesday, Jamil Khir told Nibong Tebal MP Tan Tee Beng in the Dewan Rakyat that hudud would not affect non-Muslims. Tan had asked him if it would ever be implemented in Malaysia.

Speaking to reporters after chairing the Batu Pahat MCA committee meeting on Friday, Dr Chua invited Jamil Khir to a debate on how hudud would affect all Malaysians, pointing out that it involved amending the Federal Constitution.

He also pointed out that a political party should not be equated to religion.

“PAS is a political party while Islam is the official religion.

“The MCA is upholding the constitution which states the country's official religion is Islam while Malaysians are free to embrace their own,” he said.

Asked if his comments about Jamil Khir would affect Barisan Nasional, Dr Chua said the MCA, as a political party, had the right to express its views.

Dr Chua added that he would not apologise to a group of PAS Youth members who had held a protest at Wisma MCA over his statement on hudud.

“Why should we be scared? We are merely stressing our views and the people have the right to choose,” he said.

On another matter, Dr Chua said the DAP had been championing PAS as this was obvious when Rasah MP and DAP Youth leader Anthony Loke slammed the table in Parliament against the MCA in defence of PAS spiritual adviser Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat.

“When Penang PKR chief Datuk Mansor Othman remarked that Penangites viewed Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng as tokong (deity), why did Loke not slam the table in Parliament?

“Does this mean that to Loke, Nik Aziz is more important than Lim?” he asked, claiming that this showed that the DAP was a “political eunuch” to PAS.

Dr Chua also said that Batu Pahat MCA would hold a mega dinner at Sea View Restaurant on Nov 3 and the money raised would be channelled to six Chinese primary schools and a Chinese independent school in the area.

“From next year onwards, 25 poor students from each of the Chinese primary schools will be given RM600 in aid per year while those from the independent school will receive RM1,000 every year,” he said

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