Friday, March 2, 2012

Rakyat mangsa radiasi kilang `rare earth' di Shah Alam kerana kecuaian PR? #Lynas #saveSgor #MPmalas

Hipokrasi pemimpin pem,bangkang dan Kerajaan PR?

Blogger Apanama dedahkan hipokrasi PR

NOW! The above facts should be screaming on the faces of Pakatan Rakyat's hypocrites. 

Shin-Etsu (M) Sdn.Bhd, a rare earth magnet producing factory, is operating right under their nose in the Hicom Industrial Area in Shah Alam.

Could we expect the Pakatan led Selangor state government to close down the factory which has been operating in this country for decades? 

Lets watch the circus!

p/s I'm sure Penang Chief Minister would be among the first to call for the Shin-Etsu rare earth magnet producing factory in Shah Alam to be closed down...immediately.

baca lagi

Penipuan PR teserlah

"Pas president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang had said while addressing delegates at the Pas Muktamar in June last year: "I like to bring your attention to the Lynas issue, which was raised by our delegates.
"The issue should be referred to our expert. We have a nuclear expert. Hulu Langat member of parliament Dr Che Rosli Che Mat holds a PhD in the nuclear field."
During an interview with a private television station recently, Che Rosli, who is a nuclear scientist said: "They are frightening the public by saying that Lynas is a nuclear plant when its function is only to process natural materials like rare earths from Mount Weld in Western Australia, which has less radiation compared with an ore mine.
"The issue was brought up by the PKR. I've kept quiet and even been given a warning by the Pas information bureau not to comment.
"I accepted it and have been silent. But this is unfair. They have been making comments in every issue of Harakah in a tone we are uncomfortable with."
When asked if Lynas is really a nuclear plant, Che Rosli said: "I am embarrassed. I am also a Pas member. So finally, I decided, as a nuclear expert, I should come forward to speak.
"Let people talk as they wish," said Che Rosli, who assured the people in Kuantan that they need not fear the presence of the plant"click for FULL REPORT

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