Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Dr M: Anwar sokong Israel tidak mengejutkan #balaciZionis

Dr M not at all surprised with Anwar's support for Israel's actions

Posted on January 31, 2012, Tuesday

PUTRAJAYA: The statement by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim of expressing full support for actions taken in protecting Israel's security, made during an interview with The Wall Street Journal recently, was no surprise at all to former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Dr Mahathir said this was because the opposition leader had a close relationship with Jewish leaders since some time ago.

As a leader who has known Anwar's character for a long time, Dr Mahathir said Anwar's motive was to promote himself as a modern and liberal leader in order to win praise from the western countries.

"I'm not surprised as I know he (Anwar) is close to them (Israel). He is also very friendly with many members of the United States Congress and Senate who are of Jewish origin. He is sympathetic towards the Jewish state's struggle.

"Definitely he is close to Israel because he likes to be praised by the West for this. He wants to be seen as a modern leader who follows the trend, but actually he is way behind time," he said. — Bernama
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1 comment:

  1. Memanglah tak mengejutkan.Lagi tak mengejutkan ialah sayangku tu suka bontot macam la homo cun ni.
