Friday, December 16, 2011

[Kisah dulu-dulu] #PPSMI: Terjemahan bukan usaha yang praktikal

Untuk mendapatkan persetujuan di kalangan profesional muda ketika itu bukanlah mudah. Anda perlu berhujah dengan golongan profesional muda yang bukan saja lepasan IPTA/S dalam negara, tetapi juga graduan IPTA/S Luar Negara. Ketika ini Promuda masih belum mengeluarkan kenyataan rasmi dan perbahasan mengenai usaha penterjemahan hangat. turut terlibat dalam perbahasan adalah saudara Najib, seorang profesional muda dalam bidang penterjemahan, seorang yang hebat dan menguasai 7 bahasa dunia. Ikuti perbahasan kami di .

Di bawah adalah pandangan saya mengenai usaha penterjemahan. Ambil perhatian bahawa, saya turut menyebut tentang Bahasa Kebangsaan sebagai Bahasa Malaysia yang berasal dari Bahasa Melayu (ketika itu), tetapi hari ini saya berpandangan, istilah yang lebih tepat bukan Bahasa Malaysia, tetapi Bahasa Melayu.

Dear all,

Let me start my 2nd posting on this subject by saying that I fully agree
with the statement by our professional translator, that mass translation
would not be that practical, to solve language barrier in ICT era.

It is an egg and hen situation. I also have to say that I agree with
Nazrin’s points that it might work somewhere else, where the multi-ethnicity
history does not cause much problem.

By the way, we have to agree, language does unite people. Reason – why
Mandarin is officially used in China, and why Sukarno stressed so hard on
Bahasa Indonesia. I’ve mentioned earlier in previous postings that Melayu,
is only one tribe of many tribes in Indonesia. Dayak speak their own
language, same goes to Bugis, Javanese, Sunda, Nias, Batak etc.

In order to achieve national unity, Bahasa Indonesia was initiated and every
tribe has to sacrifice their own language for the sake of national interest.
Sukarno even sent back some Chinese to mainland China, when some of them
disrespect the national language and traditions. In Medan, Chinese student,
who speaks in their language during school, will get gang bashed by the
natives. In Indonesia there is no such thing as Chinese School. Everyone
sacrifices or made to sacrifice, for the sake of national unity in

Same goes to the natives in Malaysia. I have explained earlier that we,
Malays, in Malaysia are called as `Malays’ since we followed Kesultanan
Melayu Melaka, which was founded by Parameswara, or Permaisura, who is from
the Melayu tribe, the native of Palembang.

Malays in Malaysia consist of Melayu, Bugis, Jawa, Melayu Pattani, Melayu
Kelantan, etc. Bahasa Malaysia is actually something, which is so different
from the mother tongue of these natives. However for the sake of National
Unity, these tribes sacrificed, or else you’ll see in Bagan Datoh, the shops
there, will only employ Javanese, since the Javanese are the dominant
population there. Now we see that the younger generation of Javanese do not
really speak Javanese amongst them, they speak National Language, which is
Bahasa Melayu/Malaysia.…..

So now, what about the Kadazan Dusun, Bajau and the rest, they also
sacrifice to learn Bahasa Malaysia. I have to agree with Nazrin, Kelantanese
speak in Bahasa Kelantan, not dialect Kelantan.. the languange is so
different than the rest, as if it was brought into Malaysia by alien.
Diarrhea, is `cerah perut’, when the BM is `cirit birit’. Plastic bag, is
`beg plastik’ but, to Kelantanese, it is `supit’. And Kelantanese also have
to sacrifice their language for the sake of national unity.

But, I feel sad when that doesn’t really happen in Chinese community. Some
of them fight so hard for vernacular school, at the expense of national
unity. In the cause of their fight, they tarnish the image of national
school and they do not agree with the idea of mixing the children from the
young age. Vernacular schools do reflect the support towards Bahasa
Malaysia, let me explain……

Back to the translation issue, it works in Indonesia since it has 270 m
population, and 23 m of them are in Jakarta. Say only 10% of the population
really has good reading habit, the market size is already 27 m, which is
considerably large market. But in Malaysia, we have only 23 m people. Say
60% reads – 13 m. But say out of 13 m, only 50% has very good reading habit,
then we have only 6.5 m who will read translated Malay books.

And just say out of this 6.5 m, Malay is 60% of the population, then we will
only have 3.9 m readers. Why do I exclude the non-Malays?

Let me share an open secret – unlike Indonesian Chinese and Indian who are
forced to read Bahasa Indonesia books, Malaysian Chinese and Indians do not
really read Malay Books. Many of them do not support the National Language.
Then what kind of market size, which is available for mass translation work.
Small. Tiny. Of course the book will lose its commercial values. So Ahram
idea will not really work since Malaysia do not have big market for such
book. One of the reason – no support from our own people.

I bet not many non-Malays keep any recent Malay book in their personal
library. Even some Malays don’t……

They will give so many excuses, eg. (there is no good books in Malay
Language) but I do not have time discuss about it now. Let me just conclude
by saying `Language will only exist if the people choose to support its
usage’ – judging from support that we have in Malaysia, not enough support
given by the non-Malays.

Sound a little bit racist? Those who know me, knows that I see Praba as
Praba, not as Indian Praba. I see Perrine, a nice looking lady who sat next
to me during Hamid Albar dinner talk, who has dimple on her cheek and has a
beautiful smile, as Perrine, not as Chinese Perrine. But someone regarded me
as an ultra-Malay. Then who actually is a racist?

I have to speak the truth here. I do not see anyone who is more racist then
those who reject Bahasa Kebangsaan, only because it is derived from Bahasa
Melayu. They reject Sekolah Kebangsaan because it is in Bahasa Melayu
medium. They do it at the expense of national unity…….. Can’t anyone see
Bahasa Malaysia as Bahasa Kebangsaan, not really Bahasa Melayu. The language
that suppose to unite us like the one that unites the Chinese in China,
Indonesian in Indonesia, Even though it is called Bahasa Melayu, it is not
actually the same than that of Malay tribe language in Indonesia.

National Language should be our identity, but proficiency in English is a
must to ensure competency in ICT era – but do not say that it is the main
reason why 94% Malay graduates are unemployed, especially in Malaysia…..

I’ll discuss further ……


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