Sunday, September 25, 2011

Malaysia tidak perlukan pelarian dan hipokrasi UNHCR

[Nota: Posting blogger Just Read menarik perhatian saya. Ini menambah koleksi pengetahuan kita mengenai hipokrasi Barat dan UNHCR dalam menangani isu pelarian. UNHCR bukan peduli sangat tentang pelarian, sebaliknya hanya suka menunding jari dan mencari kesalahan pihak lain, dan dalam kes ini negara kita Malaysia. Ada beberapa komen yang menarik yang saya petik dari blog Just Read, antaranya :-

indigo said...

by the way, the situation in myanmar is getting better.
so, their what so called refugees should be stopped from finding refuge in malaysia.
we already have too many of them, many are taking advantage of the status.
unhcr must also monitor situation the myanmar as to verify their status.

copacabana said...

stop taking them. send them home or to third countries who only know how to talk nonsense about our treatment here. use the millions of ringgit allocated for the refugees to improve rural roads and others. no point being the nice guy if our efforts go down the drain.

if malaysia is a dangerous country, tell unhcr that we will no anymore allow refugees to step foot on our land... or we will shoot them!

cuka getah said...

memang ada yang jadi penyamun tapi bukan sebab tak cukup makan tapi memang asalnya penyamun di negara sendiri. sebab tu lari dan ambil kesempatan jadi pelarian serta bernaung di bawah UNHCR.

siapa kata kita tak bagi mereka makan?

buatlah siasatan dengan pejabat UNHCR di kuala lumpur berapa banyak malaysia belanja untuk mereka.

UNHCR pun kita bayar.

sial betul diorang ni!

Chau said...

Why the number of the refugees is increasing? There used to be only Chin ( in the pics) from Myanmar under UNHCR protection in our country in the early stage of 2000 who are very humble and hardworking people apart from their drinking behavior .I have employed so many of them and helped them as they make me rich. Huu... I only regard these people as refugees who should be protected by the govt and UNHCR because they are the most discriminated ones in Myanmar for their religion ( Christian).

Baca artikel Just Read di bawah:

Malaysia is too dangerous!

I will go on writing about the same issue - UNHCR refugees in Malaysia. We have been battered all around for being the nice guys, all because of bad reporting and badmouthing by some 'double agents', including few Malaysians who play chummy to the international organisations and foreign governments.

Please bear in mind that we have yet to ratify the UN Refugee Convention but we play host to so many refugees.

This refugee camp is so close to the KLIA

We even signed a swap deal with Australia with the intention to help those refugees but here they go again, labeling Malaysia as the most dangerous country (here) for refugees. Why in the first place we signed up with them?

If we are not a signatory to the Convention, can can always chase them from our territory or flush them out. But we have been too kind enough. I think we should review out stand on this. Rather than being diplomatically-abused over the matter, we should from now on refrain from opening our doors to them.

As a non-signatory, we have every rights to say NO to them.

Nonetheless, the government should also inspect the living atmosphere of the refugees in the country. As long as they are here, it is our responsibility to ensure their welfare is being taken care off. Otherwise, the whole world will never stop pointing fingers (esp their middle fingers) towards us.

Please investigate the allegations that the refugees are living in a very poor condition, with not enough food to eat, no clean water.... and that some of them had to become thieves to survive. This is humiliating.

So, if we really want to help them, give them some assurance that they will get proper treatments to suffice their living here until another country agrees to accept them.

Our PM and the respective ministers rarely spoke about the refugees. I don't think members of the Press have visited the refugee camps, one of which is near the KLIA. Or they didnt find issues pertaining to refugees a burning point to write of...

We cannot depend much on the UNHCR. They are only tasked to find faults in countries like us, rag our goodwill and tarnish our image. We can always question how many times in a year that their officials visited the refugees camps.

And if we don't care about them, leave them to rot!

layari link di bawah untuk membaca artikel penuh


  1. kalau kita bercakap mengenai pendatang asing, Malaysia merupakan sorga kepada mereka. malah keramahan, kesediaan dan keterbukaan rakyat sehingga kepada pemimpin serta penguasa negara adalah diluar jangkauan rasional otak manusia biasa untuk ditafsirkan.

    Agaknya, sikap baik hati Malaysia ini sudah melampaui hak asasi biasa sptmana yg difahami oleh negara barat. Kerana itu mereka tidak memahami situasi sebenar keadaan yg berlaku dlm negara ini.

    Sepatutnya, kajian yang komperehensif dilaksanakan dengan statistik dan fakta yang menyokong kenyataan di atas boleh diterbitkan sbg bukti bahawa negara kita merupakan negara yang paling MENGALU2KAN pendatang yg mencari rezki baik secara halal maupun secara haram.

  2. betul apa kata drzackiey. negara kita terlalu baik hati... :)

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