Thursday, September 15, 2011

@HishammuddinH2O - 2 new laws will serve the national interest and provide sufficient deterrent to threats to national security #najibannouncement

1. The bold and brave announcements made tonight is testimony to the commitment of our pm and government in ensuring Malaysia continues to progress in our quest to become a mature democracy; a journey beginning some 2.5 years ago as announced by pm at his inaugral speech.

2. The announcement tonight has put national security as a paramount consideration yet at the same time able to balance with civil liberties

3. KDN welcomes the announcments as it is a culmination of the hard work we embarked upon 2.5 years ago to reform and conduct comprehensive review of archaic laws under our jurisdiction. Subsequent to this and consultation with related stakeholders we had identified several outdated laws as per pm's statement tonight.

4. However with regard the lifting of the state of emergency, KDN will undertake immediate follow up action given its impact on some components within the ministry.

5. We are also confident the announcement of the 2 new laws will serve the national interest and provide sufficient deterrent to threats to national security. The establishment of these new laws will also give a unique opportunity to streamline and focus our reach in a more effective and impactful manner. However, in doing so we will need to ensure we are able to strike a balance between the rights of individuals and rights of the majority. As such we invite all stakeholders to come forward.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

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