Friday, April 8, 2011

Manifesto BN Sarawak - PR menipu tentang pengurusan hutan Sarawak

Kenapa PR tidak membangkitkan bantahan terhadap pengurusan hutan rakan mereka, Nik Aziz di Kelantan? Masih mahu menipu rakyat Sarawak?

Dalam manifesto, BN Sarawak menjelaskan bahawa 70% daripada tanah Sarawak yang berkeluasan 12.4 juta hektar masih diliputi hutan. 14% masih lagi dilitupi hutan sekunder. Logiknya, jika Ketua Menteri makan komisyen hasil penjualan balak, tentu keadaan negeri Sarawak sudah menjadi seperti kedaan negeri Kelantan. Logiknya, lagi banyak pokok kena tebang, lagi kencang poket Menteri Besar, menantu dan kroni. Baca berita dan artikel di bawah untuk bezakan kerakusan kerajaan negeri BN dan negeri PR:-

KOTA BAHARU, March 31 (Bernama) -- Kelantan Umno has set up an action committee to check the ecological damage due to excessive logging at Lojing Highlands, which is said to be worse than anticipated and rather complex in nature.

Chairman of the State Umno Liaison Committee Datuk Seri Annuar Musa said Saturday non-governmental organisations were invited to join the committee which would compile data on the damage with information from various agencies.

"From initial reports received, the environmental destruction at Lojing Highlands is worse than what we had anticipated and the problem is very complex and needs a thorough study," he told a press conference after attending a briefing on current issues, here.

Annuar said he would visit Lojing Highlands on Monday to check on the damage and those interested could join him and attend a briefing by the Department of Environment (DOE) on what had happened there.

He chided Kelantan Financial Planning Committee Chairman Datuk Husam Musa who had requested for an official invitation from the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry to visit the area.

Annuar said that if Husam had any concern over the problem, he should not have to wait for an official invitation.

Excessive logging at Lojing Highlands, involving 32,000 hectares of forest, was raised by Parliamentary Secretary to the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry Datuk Sazmi Miah who asked DOE to put a stop to the ecological destruction there.

Annuar said the action committee, headed jointly by Bukit Bunga Assemblyman Mohd Adhan Kechik and Galas Assemblyman Saufi Deraman, would study the information gathered and submit proposals on ways to save Lojing Highlands.

"We suspect that the loggers felt that they were protected by powerful people in the state administration and took advantage of the situation to fell trees at will," he said.

Annuar said a guideline on forest management in the area was not strictly enforced and this had contributed to unrestricted chopping down of trees in all categories of land.

He said the Kelantan state government should not be making excuses because DOE's information that 22 companies had been given timber concessions in the area was accurate.

In its response, the PAS state government said it approved only seven of them and that the rest were approved during the administration of Kelantan by the Barisan Nasional (BN).

Meanwhile, Kelantan Umno Youth wanted DOE to strictly enforce the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) regulations on logging companies operating in Lojing Highlands and freeze the assessment on new ones.

"Umno Youth wanted all logging activities in Lojing Highlands to cease immediately," said Kelantan Umno Youth deputy chief Ahmad Rosdi Mahmad.

He also suggested a national-level committee comprising various departments and agencies to be set up to investigate the environmental destruction in Lojing Highlands and urged the state government to name the companies given timber concessions in the area.


Kelemahan Pas dalam isu pembalakan Lojing

22 buah syarikat dan perniagaan dikatakan telah diberikan konsessi pembalakan (bertopengkan sebagai “pertanian”) oleh Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan. Memang ada cadangan asal untuk membangunkan kawasan pertanian sayuran sayuran kontan.

Tempat alam sekitar dicabuli ini memang hutan dara. Kedudukanya adalah 22 km dari jalan utama, iaitu Jalan Lojing – Simpang Pulai. Bukit dan lereng bukit ditarah habis untuk membina jalan sementara untuk jentera berat pembalakan sampai ke kawasan ini. Apabila sampai, segalanya ditarah habis! Umpama padang jarak, padang terkukur jadinya. Begitu banyak flora dan fauna terjejas.

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