Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pertahan isu DNA dan Video - bukti Pas amal assobiyah

Sabda Rasulullah SAW,maksudnya: "Bukan dari golongan ku (umat Islam) sesiapa yang menyeru kepada Assobiah dan bukan dari golongan ku sesiapa yang mati atas jalan Assobiyah" (Hadis riwayat Abu Daud).

"Wahai Rasulullah! Apakah kecintaan kami kepada kaum itu dikatakan al-assobiyah? Sabda baginda: Tidak, sebaliknya assobyiah itu ialah apabila kamu menolong saudaramu atas kezaliman." (hadis daripada Hassan, riwayat Abu Daud).

Jika dibaca kenyataan Pas, akan didapati bahawa Harun Taib tidak mahu amal assobiyah, tetapi akhirnya pemimpin-pemimpin Pas lain lebih suka amal assobiyah kerana gila kuasa. Tiada salahnya untuk tuntut DNA dan sumbah mubahalah Anwar bagi mendapatkan kebenaran; yang salah adalah kerana mengamalkan assobiyah. Nampaknya demi kuasa Pas lebih suka tidak tergolong daripada kalangan umat Nabi Muhammad saw.

PAS and DAP stand by Anwar

KUALA LUMPUR: PAS and DAP are standing by PKR and Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, following the release of a sex video implicating a high-ranking Opposition leader.

Leaders from both PAS and DAP also believe that the airing of the sex video was politically motivated and condemned it as a “dirty tactic”.

PAS vice-president Salahuddin Ayub said there was no question of PAS severing ties with PKR or leaving the Pakatan Rakyat coalition.

“Everything is wrong about the whole scandal. The way the video was revealed was wrong and watching it is wrong. Islam does not accept this,” he said when approached at the Parliament lobby on Tuesday.

On PAS ulama council chief Datuk Harun Taib’s statement that the party might review its political ties if the sex video was authentic, Salahuddin said: “That is his own view.”

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