Thursday, January 6, 2011

DAP Rasis!

Selama ini memang kita sedari DAP adalah parti yang bersifat rasis dan cauvinis. Hari ini, selain kezaliman berulang terhadap peniaga dan pemilik gerai, sikap rasis ini terbukti lagi.

GEORGE TOWN, 5 JANUARY, 2011: The Malaysian Indian Muslim Congress (Kimma) today expressed regret over what it described as a racist attitude adopted by Komtar assemblyman Ng Wei Aik in having insulted Indian Muslims in Penang.

Kimma Penang Liaison Committee chairman Faruk Raja Mohamed said Ng, who is also the political secretary to the chief minister, had used the words "tutup kedai, balik India" (close shop, return to India) on shopowner Syed Kassali Mohamad Aliyar and several of his workers when sealing a nasi kandar shop along with enforcement officers of the Penang Municipal Council two days ago.

"Is it right for an elected representative to hurl a racist remark and act roughly with the people? He is not professional in discharging his duties," Faruk told reporters.

He said Kimma wanted the state government to be responsible for the action of the political secretary to Lim Guan Eng and apologize to Indian Muslims in the country.

He also said that Kimma would discuss with the Muslim Restaurant Operators Association of Malaysia (Presma) on the next course of action against DAP-led state government if it remained silent on the matter.

- Bernama

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