Monday, November 15, 2010

UMB PBB memerangi fitnah pembangkang di Sarawak

Cyberwar campaigning in Sarawak election?

Sunday, November 14th, 2010 21:01:00

KUCHING: Sarawak's 10th election, expected to be held next year, will see an unprecedented cyber war between the ruling and opposition parties in the state.

Umno Youth New Media Unit chairman Tun Faisal Ismail Aziz said the party, together with the Parti Pesaka Bumiputera (PBB) Youth New Media Unit, would work closely to come up with an aggressive strategy to counter baseless allegations which might be posted over the internet.

"Specifically, we will coordinate any information with the PBB Youth New Media Unit so that any national issue that has bearing with Sarawak could be handled and explained very quickly ," he told reporters after a meeting chaired by PBB Youth Media Unit chief Abdul Aziz Tan Sri Adenan here Sunday.

"For us, at national level, we must explain the real issue and disseminate it very quickly so that the people will not be easily influenced by baseless allegations," he said, adding that apart from national issues, Umno would assist in disseminating information on issues affecting Sarawak, such as that of the Penan.

He said the March 2008 general election had given the Barisan Nasional component party a valueable lesson on the need to effectively tackle the cyber war campaign.

Abdul Aziz, who is also PBB Youth Information chief, said one of the strategies being adopted would involve answering or explaining any issue without resorting to personal attacks.

Later, the PBB Youth New Media Unit handed over 900 'baju kurung' and 'baju Melayu' for the Kedah flood victims as part of their social responsibility.

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